Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lost and Found.

Yes yes, it is a long longgggg time I haven’t blogged.
Well, I was lost in life a bit, but now I guess I am a little bit found again.
I am totally obsessed with home furniture recently. being found again, I feel like Alice in wonderland.
Go Alice, GO...

iphone table

icon pillows

Katz furniture design

Depressed monster lamp

Swiss-cheese door stop


Saturday, February 6, 2010

A life of interruptions.

Previousely I wrote a post regarding productivity and real life.This post would be in parrallel with that post. If you havnt checked it, please check the "Productivity and Real Life" post by me.

As an industrial engineer, I do always care about productivity in life and always keep searching and looking around for books, articles and workshops on this topic. As was googling some stuff, I came across an ebook called: ”The Results Curve™: How to Manage Focused and Collaborative Time”, By Pierre Khawand. So I immidately downloaded it and read it. Amazing!!!

The ebook starts by elaborating on a graph, called ” The Results Curve”, which is about examining how our results while doing a task change with time. It discusses that we start doing a task and as the time passes by, we get more and more results, untill we get exusted or get interrupted and the results start to diminish.

The ebook proceeds by pointing out interruptions that came up while doing a task. And it is interesting that among all those external interruptions like e-mail, IM, phone calls, people dropping by, the author considers our ”wandering thoughts” the #1 interruption factor. As we got familiared with the interruptions and learned how to deal with them, finally the ebook is summerised by providing us with tools that help us know the interruptions factors and stay focused in our tasks and accomplishing more with less.

For all of you that need simple ways of geting organized , this ebook which is free to download is worth reading. The ebook is written in very simple words and is really smooth to follow, so dont worry and just get start it!


Monday, February 1, 2010


I'm sure we all know people who talk too much but how do you handle it? Do you just tune them out or what? I guess, I'm not someone who is shy and quiet but not a motor mouth either. But there are some friends and relatives I know that it’s really get hard to get in a word when speaking with them. When hanging out and chatting with them there are times I feel like yelling, "Will you please JUST SHUT UP!”

Example 1: A relative: She will give you every single little detail on the most mundane things or will tell you things that you already know how to do. She talks and talks and talks and talks..... You can't break in to give your opinion. Oh gosh! Unbelievable! For instance, she can't just say there was a rude customer in front of her at the grocery store. She'll tell you just about everything that led up to her being in the grocery store-the time she woke up this morning, how she couldn't find her shoes, etc. Twenty minutes later she'll finally get to the story about the rude customer! And this is not only this, most of these stories are repetitive and you have already heard them several times and she is insisting on her ideas again and again…

Example 2: A girl friend: She'll call me up and starts talking about HER problems right away with barely asking me how I am doing. Thirty minutes to an hour later, after her lips are starting to turn blue, she ask to see how I'm doing, lol. Furthermore, she is a narcissist. Everything is about her and how great she is or great people think she is and lablala... . She is rather “boring and self-absorbed”.

I do like these people but gosh they are really annoying! All I feel like I ever say is "Yeah, uh-huh, ok" etc. I mean occasionally I get a few words in, hehe. How do you handle these talkative people?


Friday, January 22, 2010

Personalized Laptops.

These GroovyLids 's are available at:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Healthy Tooth.

Tooth…tooth brush…tooth paste…

Well, as I remember I didn’t like to go to dentist and hopefully I didn’t have any major problem with my teeth since now. This Monday I went to my dentist just to do a check-up and see what is going on in my mouth, that she just told me that I need to fill in some and also need to do a surgery to extract one of my wisdom teeth. Uum, not a good idea to go to check-up, it was not easy as I expected. ;)

Well, as I remembered that wisdom teeth should be basically four in every human being, yeah every human being ;), so I came up with a question that what have happened with my other wisdom teeth then? And the doctor responded me back that “the other three haven’t still showed up!!! “And I was like,” umm, whatttt? doctor, I am 27, what have happened to them?” and she said, well a bit unusual but it is ok!! Hahahaha...So don’t worry if you heared a lot of nonsense here by me, I am not wise enough still :D

So by today I have been there for three sessions and I have three more sessions ahead!! hehehe...
Yesterday when I went there, the previous patient was still there, he was a boy, I heared when he was finished, he was asking the doctor if he can smoke right now, because that is the most needed thing for him!! And I was just hearing his voice, so I was interested to see his face, so when he was coming out of the doctor room I looked at him, he was barely 18 or something!! Well, when the boy left, the doctor told her assistant to forbid that patient to have his mobile phone and iphone in his hands while she is working on his teeth!!! How could he be playing with those stuff, with an open mouth, while the doctor is playing around his mouth??!!! I barely can breeth while the doctor is working on my teeth, he must be genius!!!
now I am going to have a coffee, and as I can hardly open my mouth, I gonna have it with straw. and the next session would be in next week, so I could be relax untill then, hopping that my extraction wouldnt be as the guy in the pic. :D


Sunday, January 17, 2010

♥ Love Story ♥

I was a bit down in these past two days. I noticed that one of my dreams is going to be faded away again. The dream to move in with my boyfriend since 20 Feb. The story is like this: after almost 3 months of looking for jobs and making applications and interviews, finally my boyfriend has found a perfect job in a consulting company and that means that he would be away from Monday until Thursday evening every week!!:(((((. Really really away, in another country!! But I didn’t disagree, because I think that would be a good chance for him to get new experiences, although I would be alone again. So I really do not understand why the life is treating us like this sometimes. It is almost a year that I am having a distance relationship with my bf, because of studying purposes and when we were about to plan to move in together, this happened. Well, at least I can be happy that I would have him for some nights and that is not a distance relationship anymore, because we would settle our place in Vienna city together and then he would be there for me from Thursday eve until Monday morning, hopefully!!!

That was interesting that when I was checking one of my favorite websites right now, I came across a sweet love story, which is a real story. Emily and Stefan met in Ohio while Stefan was an MBA exchange student at Emily’s university. After graduation, Stefan had to return to Germany. Boo! So they did the Trans-Atlantic long distance thing for 2 whole years. Very impressive!!! After they finished their studies, they got married and have literally been traveling on and off ever since (from their home base in Munich).

Well well, very sweet impressing story, dont you agree? I wonder if Mahsa (me) and Stephan can be another Emily and Stefan?

Here comes a pic of Emily and Stepan which I found on

Wish you dear Emily and Stefan and all you guys a very happy lovely life ! cheers!


Friday, January 15, 2010

Productivity and Real Life

I got absolutely nothing done today - no work at all. Why? Umm, basically because personal crises popped up. Nothing too serious, nothing very new, just everyday stuff obsessed me and ruined my day. I was stuck into a black hole. Although I had some stuff on my To-Do-List for my day, but it didn’t work and it was a totally unproductive day (since now). I guess all of us have days like that. But the question is that how to remain productive in spite of personal crises?

Well I am going to try this now and at least making the rest of my day productive. I gonna start with one of the tasks, set a time for myself and tell myself that: “I'll think about the other obsession at 7pm, but not now” and force myself not to get distracted by anything or any thoughts. I am gonna practice to concentrate on accomplishing X before thinking about Y. I'm not sure how well this will work, but it's something that I'm going to try. :D

What do you do to remain productive even when your personal life feels like it is falling apart? How do you remember that this too will pass and how do you keep the work day from slipping away from you?

Hope you all are having a lovely happy productive friday. :D